Yesterday, I completed the film. I think it's great. Once I saw it on Polish TV. It wasn't dubbed (with a background speaker and with original voice soundtrack hushed a bit ) But original soundtrack sounds much better. (though it was a bit too weak as I said before).
I feel like a shit today so maybe I won't sound too poetic and special probably
I've got a sore throat now
OK. Let's go to the point.
The ending in my opinion is much clearer that in the case of Kubrick's 2001. It's wordy not only image like in original.
We have a lot of key words here:
Obvious connotation here. The old tension story between two superpowers USA and that might sound now a bit outdated Soviet Union. We've got here a similar things happening like during Cuban blockade but much more serious with some ships sunk and satellites destroyed. So full scale world war with a new front-line in space. Message is very clear we have to abandon our old warlike habits or we're gonna be destroyed (without the cooperation of the two Russian and American ships everybody would have died) or we just destroy ourselves.
Next connotation In order to survive and create such an advanced civilization we must abandon war as only peaceful civilizations may survive and thrive thru millenia and create such marvelous things like monoliths.
Children (Children of the new sun, Children of the old sun)
New (New Earth)
Again here quite obvious connotations relating to the new beginning, fresh start, new hope, new life, new species, new territories (Bible again) and etc...
When we start something new we have always high hopes and certainly we hope so when we learn after our grave mistakes. There is a a lot of reason in it.
Then of course a lot of Biblical connotations here and below. Humankind is given a next Eden but must bear in mind that may be expelled from that idyllic territory too.
Darkness opposed to Light
Strong biblical references. Owners of the monolith are indeed The Creator. The God.
They create a new light to disperse the darkness in the human mind and heart by lighting the Jupiter and thus creating a new Sun.
Humankind is no longer alone, have to abandon the megalomaniac thought that our civilization is special the only one and superior to everything else.
"One day the children of new Sun will meet the children of the old Sun"
The very last scene:
We are watching how a inhospitable, barren ice land is terraformed into a young Earth image. And the last shot we see a monolith again waiting for the next species to be learned and guided. Here the circle closes. In Clarke's 2001 in the first scene we have a monolith too which is spawning the human branch of civilization.
Circle of live.
But no cows this time ;D