Post by spacer on Mar 18, 2005 3:55:54 GMT -5
There's one novelist I must recommend as being very funny to the extent that I burst with laughter and I had to take some deep breaths to be able to continue reading. But here I have to confess that this author isn't even a bit politically correct. To say the truth his writing is utterly male oriented and fully chauvinistic. ;D He has no qualms of conscience about describing how to exploit a woman, cheat anybody he doesn't like or respect, make fun of everybody without any trace of self-constraint. He is writing in the first person as a traveler and adventurer who treats the world as the great Sesame to be exploited and robbed. He is obsessed with sex, crosses every boundary here. At the same time he is sincere to the full extent about the way he treats any woman he wants and he is straightforward when he describes why he is so much preoccupied with sex, women and all kinds of deviations connected with it. He explores the deepest and scariest male subconscious drives. And he does it with the incredible sense of humour. But it is not humour created to entertain the reader. The tale itself is intrinsically and naturally hilarious. But he never claims that women are inferior to men. No, he says that women are as intelligent as men, and he has nothing against feminism or other similar phenomena. But he is painfully sincere declaring that he is just preoccupied with women as sex objects and he is not interested with other intellectual side of women. He is especially malicious to people whose main preoccupation is to make money or just to survive the life without any risk and who are not fanciful, crazy, excessive or bizarre and prey dupes on them without mercy. But on the other hand he loves irrational, awkward and imaginative people who are not preoccupied with down-to-earth problems. The same attitude he has to all sorts of life losers. Now, it is the high time to mention some his personal details. He is a French writer and his name is Cizia Zykë.<br> I won’t mention titles just read any of his books and you will disclose your true male nature, guys. While you girls can learn what is hidden deep down in the dirty male mind. ;D
Post by LivingDeadGirl on Mar 18, 2005 21:14:22 GMT -5
While you girls can learn what is hidden deep down in the dirty male mind.That's something that I don't think I really wanna know...
Post by Bartwald on Mar 20, 2005 10:29:22 GMT -5
Cizia Zyke - alright! ;D
I have read three of his books - Sahara, Gold and Parody - and they're all very good! He not only has one of the most wicked kinds of sense of humour I have ever encountered, but is also talented in creating gripping, realistic plots and mixing them with passages so absurd or grotesque that you can't stop wondering "Is this guy SERIOUS here?"
Anyway, I'd love to read anything else Zyke wrote but am not sure if these three books above are not the only ones translated into Polish; Sahara and Gold were also translated into English (from French), I think. Very recommended!
Post by spacer on Mar 21, 2005 2:21:31 GMT -5
While you girls can learn what is hidden deep down in the dirty male mind.That's something that I don't think I really wanna know... Don't be afraid, knowledge is always precious, and don't you like kinky humour? ;D
Post by LivingDeadGirl on Mar 22, 2005 19:09:30 GMT -5
Some knowledge is best done without....and as far as the kinky humor goes...just depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
Post by Quorthon on Mar 30, 2005 10:51:07 GMT -5
A French guy that knows how to be a man...?
Skepticism rising...
Post by Bartwald on Mar 30, 2005 11:28:23 GMT -5
A French guy that knows how to be a man...? Skepticism rising... ;D But wait: he's not, uh, TOTALLY French; his roots, I think, are deep in Albania or somewhere... spacer - can ya help here?
Post by spacer on Mar 31, 2005 2:29:45 GMT -5
A French guy that knows how to be a man...? Skepticism rising... Probably the only Frenchman you know is Chirac ;D There are others more manly ;D I'll check his family roots out to be 100% sure. By the way his name is not French definitely
Post by spacer on Mar 31, 2005 12:55:25 GMT -5
It was really difficult to trace his ancestry paths but he is definitely Albanian. I've spend lot's of time looking for that info. By the way I found many interesting and strange web pages ;D Unfotunately I had to resort to Albanian pages written in Albanian language couse only they had the info I sought for. I don't have to mention that I know or rather think I know only those Albanian words which are similar to English, Russian, Roman or Slavic. "The most shocking, brutal and exciting true story since Papillon". The story of one man's search for gold. Traces the rise and fall of the author's fortunes in South America from solo prospecting on the Osa peninsula to the search for antiquities in the Columbian jungle. He survived snakes, malaria, hostile natives, and the terrors of the continent's notorious prisons. A truly masculine story of self-suficiency, determination and sheer guts. "commentary regarding his book titled ORO from www.booksandcollectibles.com[shadow=red,left,300]Born in Morocco of Albanian descent[/shadow], Zyke has had a life of daring and adventure on several continents, earning money by gambling, fighting and other activities that skirted lawlessness. This book concerns his doings in Costa Rica, where he followed rumors of an exceedingly rich source of gold in that country's mountainous jungle and found them to be true. And so, surrounded by mud, snakes, malaria-carrying mosquitoes and jealous rival prospectors, he set up a camp, peopled by ex-convicts and fugitives, to mine gold. Zyke's venture prospered for a while, until his fellow entrepreneurs betrayed him to the police, who charged him with drug trafficking, counterfeiting and intimidation. While awaiting trial, he fled to Panama with only 3000 grams of gold as a souvenir of his Costa Rican mine. The story of Zyke's wenching, drinking and drug-taking is hardly unique in the contemporary world, but Oro was a bestseller in France, perhaps due to its racy situations and lively, slangy prose.
found on www.amazon.comI read Zyke's book first when I was a teenager (in the 80's, that is). It really made an impression, and does the same still. First of all, the book tells a great tale of adventure, friendship and so on. The hero (teller) is an intresting mixture of a hero and an antihero. From the deep jungles of Costa Rica he finds a place where he can by the laws he likes most, his own.
As an adult reader I now find other aspects even more interesting. Zyke does, interestingly enough, in some points explain his philosophy. There will always be those who are subdued, and those who subdue others... and it's after all better to belong to the latter. Yes, that's nietczhe, cruel, perhaps even inhumane to some. But what I respect is that Zyke is by no means a hippocrat - he does not try to be better than he is.
Sure, the story is in some aspects quite unbelievable, Zyke tells things as he sees fit.. Sure, Zyke crosses (my personal) line messing with very young girls. Despite all of this, you just cant dislike him. [glow=red,2,300]By the way, my ex-girlfriend read the book too. I was waiting for a feminist reaction of the biggest caliber - but she liked the book alot. Well, what can you say of that? [/glow]
review from www.amazon.com as well Finally Shqipëria e ëndërruar
Cizia Zykë është rritue me një Shqipëri imagjinare, të krijuar në ëndrat dhe perfytyrimet e tij femijërore, nga tregimet e prindërve dhe malli i madh i tyre për atë atdhe të largët dhe të panjohur. I jati i tij, një “fanolist” që emigroi pasi ra qeveria e Fan Nolit, në Francë, u detyrua që shumë shpejt të inkuadrohet në “Legjionin e Huaj” francez dhe të shërbejë në ushtrinë franceze në Marok dhe shkretëtirat e Afrikës. Cizia ishte femija i katërt. Në vitin 1967, i vdes i jati dhe nëna e tij detyrohet të bredhë sa nga njëri femijë te tjetri, me dëshirën për të patur një shtëpi të saj. Këtë dëshirë do t’ja plotesonte Cizia, i cili me botimin e romanit të tij të parë dhe më të sukseshem “Floriri” (“Oro”), do të thoshte se e shkroi këtë roman që me të drejtat e autorit, t’i blinte nënës një shtëpi. Si 17-vjeçar, Cizia merr rrugët e botës dhe del në det të hapët. Një bohem që kërkonte aventurën nga njëri cep i botës në tjetrin, nga Amerika Latine, në Australi dhe në Saharanë e Afrikës. Gjithshka ishte e mundeshme për të: femrat, droga, kërkimi i arit në xhunglat e Kosta Rikes. Kur romani “Floriri” u botua në italisht, dhe kur gazetari italian i revistës “Panorama” e pyeti se cili projekt i kishte mbetur pa realizuar, ai i ishte pergjigjur: “Të marr shtetësinë shqiptare, atë të prindërve të mij. Kjo do të jetë aventura ime më e madhe. Në saje të Kadaresë unë munda që në moshën 42-vjeçare të shkoj në Shqipëri. Shqipëria ka qenë gjithnjë e pranishme në femijërinë dhe adoleshencën time”.
Found on www.koha.netTani, pas k?tyre kat?r viteve, Piro Milkani ?sht? rikthyer n? sht?pin? e tij n? Tiran? dhe ka filluar pak e nga pak aktivitetin brenda profesionit t? tij t? vjet?r (e t? p?rhersh?m). Ndjen se gjith?ka e tij ka mbetur aty ku e ka l?n?-"N? 10 vitet e demokracis? mbasi u largova nga posti i drejtorit t? distribucionit, nuk mbeta pa pun?. Krijova nj? shoq?ri filmike bashk? me Liri Begen? dhe Sajmir Kumbaron. E quajt?m k?t? shoq?ri "Bunker film". B?m? s? pari organizimin teknik t? pjes?s shqiptare n? filmin "V?shtrimi i Uliksit". Ishte vitit 1994. Po n? k?t? koh? bashk? me Cizia Zyke realizova filmin "Kanun" nd?rsa n? koh?n e piramidave dhe t? luft?s s? Kosov?s, bashk? me nj?staf televiziv polak e ?ek organizova filmime n? Vlor? dhe n? Tropoj?. Dhe kaq. M? pas ika",-tregon Milkani. ?sht? nj? kat?rvje?ar koh? q? e ndan me ato projekte, t? realizuara tashm?. Nd?rsa tani n? rikthimin e tij, mendja i bluan t? tjera plane. Pak dit? m? par?, ka shkuar n? Kosov? p?r t? dh?n? leksione n? shkoll?n e lart? t? gazetaris?, mbi historin? e kinemas? bot?rore e shqiptare e mbi historin? e fotografis?. K?to jan? t? parat hapa q? ka nisur t? hedh? n? bot?n e kinematografis?. Nuk do t? mjaftohet vet?m me kaq sepse nuk mundet ta imagjinoj? veten duke q?ndruar duarkryq. ?sht? i gatsh?m q? t'i hyj? luft?s, bashk? me koleg?t e tij, p?r t? ?uar n? vend t? drejt?n e autorit. Ka par? n? k?to dit?t e rikthimit, gjith? filmat e tij t? shfaqen pothuajse n? t? gjitha kanalet televizive. Nuk mundet ta lejoj? k?t? "vjedhje" t'i rrjedh? para syve.
Found on www.alb.net/artcafeFirst Albanian passage is a review of Oro (Gold), the latter describes Zyke's visit in Albania where he wanted to make a flick on bunkers and the anarchy connected with the infamous fall of pseudofinancial pyramids. There's Polish TV mentioned as well. Shqipëria means Albania
Post by Bartwald on Mar 31, 2005 13:47:07 GMT -5
One great search, spacer! Hats off!
Post by spacer on Apr 1, 2005 0:52:10 GMT -5