Post by slayrrr666 on Oct 25, 2005 18:40:18 GMT -5
A killer snake movie here, and also one of their more famous ones:
'Boa vs. Python' is a good, well-made TV movie that is really interesting, but could've been better.
Sleazy socialite Emmet (David Hawlett) pays to have a monster boa constrictor shipped in from South America for a hunting game for his friends. When the snake gets loose from his handlers before he arrives, the local FBI agent Sharpe (Kirk B.R. Bookwalter) gets involved. He wrangles in Marine Research Scientist Monica (Jaime Bergman) and renegade herpetologist Broddick (Adam Kendrick) who has been breeding a giant python for vaccinal purposes. They track the python to a giant sewer system after it has attacked several people. The team originally brought in to hunt the boa in the game, gets wind of the attacks and sets out to kill the snake. The boa ends up attacking the hunters, cornering the last few in the sewer systems, where it meets the boa team and the snakes face off. The python wins the first round, and escapes into the night. The boa catches up with the python at a dance club, and takes the fight into the underground railroad station for the conclusive battle.
The Good News: Most TV movies are not all that spectacular, especially TV horror movies. 'Boa vs. Python' is a rare exception in that it is based on a very clever premise about how the two snakes come into the storyline. Instead of having the two snakes being in a jungle and them fighting over territory, this one has the python being shipped in for a big game hunt, only to have it escape and the government recruits a captive boa to track the snake. This is a pretty clever new idea and makes for a premise for a skew of new ideas. The special effects are pretty realistic. The snakes are both pretty colorful, with the python being a dark black and the boa a colorful red. They are realistically designed and come off pretty convincingly. The cast is adequate, with Bergman being the best. She actually uses the dumb blond routine to full advantage early on, and is very likable in a role most would've made into a slutty type. It was a nice change of pace to have her as an intelligent woman, even if she was a blonde. It was a nice against stereotype role that was extremely refreshing to watch. With some better roles, she could be a good low-budget star in the making. She does have two big charms, but her acting is better than those are.
The Bad News: There is an almost total lack of gore in the movie. The film does have a pretty high body count for this type of movie, but all are killed in pretty dry situations. The goriest death is actually that of the losing snake, who gets decapitated by a train. Blood sprays everywhere, but that is it. This film is pretty dry considering the other, similar films, like 'Python' and 'Pythons 2' were a lot gorier. One of the victims gets bitten in half by the snakes and one is swallowed whole, but then those are very routine scenes for this kind of movie. That bit lacked total creativity and should've been changed. I'm all for giant creature movies, but the creatures need to be very creative in their killings to make the movie stand out. The killings in this one don't stand out. Suspense is also missing from this movie. There were no scenes that made you sit in you seat waiting for something to happen or jump out at the viewer. It would've made the film slightly more enjoyable. There were plenty of chances to make things take a spooky turn, but alas it failed.
The Final Verdict: 'Boa vs. Python' isn't as bad of a snake movie as you might think, but it will provide for some decent viewing experience. It will appeal more to reptile lovers than any one else, as they will get to see two mammoth snakes 'duking' it out.
Rated R: Graphic Language, Brief Nudity, and Violence.